Multidirectional Spanning Tree by Spak

Mittelab A.P.S.: who are we?

Mittelab is a non-profit organization ("Association of Social Promotion" or A.P.S. in the Italian Law), independent, apolitical, non-religious. It was founded on the 28th of March 2016.

Mittelab manages a hackerspace of Northern European matrix, that is, a place where people who share interests in the field of technology, in general, and especially electronics and Information Technology, may cooperate and share knowledge and tools. Mittelab encourages and supports the development of such culture. The social promotion purpose is achieved in Mittelab, among others, by means of advocating the Hacker Ethic and by fostering a debate on the following topics:

  • defense of freedom and human rights in the digital society;
  • access to a free and open Internet;
  • sharing technical and scientific culture and knowledge.

Moreover, the association gave itself the purpose of encouraging a conscious usage of IT tools, and to contribute actively to the improvement and advancement of culture and knowledge on these topics. To accomplish this, the association promotes production and diffusion of Free Software, Open Hardware and open contents to increase the accessibility of knowledge and training.

Read more (in Italian) from our Article of Association (Statute), and our Rule Book on Git.

Would like to join?

Great idea! Pass by our space to become part of our family! You can fill the prepared online form and mail it to

The member fee is 42€ per year, starting in January of the currently running year. You can deposit this in cash at Mittelab, or you can wire it to the following IBAN IT71T0892802201010000041295 (you must specify Mittelab APS as beneficiary). If you do so, please send an email to Thank you!

Activities at Mittelab

Among the benefits of being part of the association, you can

  • use our common tools;
  • have access to storage space for your projects (SAMLAStorage);
  • free access: open and hack when you want!
  • complete access to our online services: (Talk, Wiki, Tasks and Git)
  • join the courses organized by our members, or by cooperating with other associations Every member is free to use the common tools to develop their own projects, or to cooperate in other member's projects.


We seldom arrange courses on IT/electronics related topics. The announcement will be published periodically on Talk (our forum). If you are interested in some new course, you may post here. Signing up to Talk is open to everyone, including non-members!


Together we work on hackerspace projects too, to improve the space for everyone. Here's some:

  • Shelves with LED lighting for our desks
  • KeycardAccess - access to the space with NFC member card
  • invman - Inventory system
  • Unique account and centralized login on all Mittelab services.
  • Here Comes The Sun - an innovative and creative way to signal our member it's time to go home

(Almost) all projects are documented on our wiki page!


Mittelab takes part in local events too, organizing workshops and showcasing the projects that were developed in the space. Here's where you can find us on a regular basis:

  • Fiera Radioamatore1/2 (HAM and Electronics Faire) in Pordenone
  • Trieste Mini Maker Faire
  • Ljubljana Mini Maker Faire
  • Open Design Conference

The events organized by us are on our wiki, while the events that we take part in are on Talk.